Helping Children with Learning Difficulties

At home, living with your child on a day-to-day basis might mean that you become immune to noticing their small quirks and the things they do which may be uncommon among other children around their age. Each child is unique, and it can be difficult to pinpoint whether your child may need additional assistance in the classroom. This happens often with education for students with disabilities, with many parents left feeling unsure of whether their child may need it or could meaningfully benefit from it.

How do I know my child needs special education?

Children with learning difficulties, they may present a number of signs at home that parents may find untypical. Parents may see their children falling behind in school, whether socially or academically (or possibly both) and be worried about their progression as a student. Learning difficulties may manifest in some students as behavioural issues, lack of eye contact, an inability or difficulty to communicate, and more. Socially, children may struggle to make connections with their peers or engage in “parallel playing” whereby they play without engaging with others. 

If you find this is the case for your child, it may be worth seeking a professional evaluation or diagnosis for them, in order to better understand their ways of learning. Inclusive classrooms designed to assist children with learning difficulties are of major significance at Marnebek, as we strive to provide education for students with disabilities that will allow them to feel safe, confident and empowered in their education.

How can special education support my child's learning?
Going to school should be an exciting and positive experience for every student and education for students with disabilities allows children with learning difficulties to ensure their needs at school are met. Communicating with the school is the first step to ensuring your child can have their needs recognised in the classroom and can lead to supplemental aids and services being arranged for their support. This could include Speech Therapy for children who struggle with verbal communication or Occupational Therapy to assist them with daily activities if they need it. It may also take the form of transport support to assist your child with getting to and from school, out-of-school-hours care or home-based education assistance. Teacher aides may also be a helpful presence in the classroom. In some cases, student welfare coordinators are available to help children handle issues such as family conflict, depression, bullying, drug use and truancy. 

The ultimate goal of these forms of support is to enable students with learning difficulties to have the same opportunities for education as their peers.

How does Marnebek help their students with learning difficulties?

Making use of world-class methodologies and strategies, Marnebek ensures the individual needs of students are catered to in a safe and exciting learning environment. Individual Learning Programs (ILPs) are developed for students to best accommodate their needs and comfort, while also giving them the capacity to learn and play with confidence. 

Marnebek combines inclusive classrooms with purpose-built facilities, which include areas such as Therapy Rooms and Sensory Zones (dedicated sensory environments), such as gardens and play equipment, allow children to fulfill their sensory needs as required. Marnebek also has indoor programs for children who want to stay inside at lunchtime and recess, the encompasses teacher-led play therapy, and peer-to-peer development therapy.

Sensory and visual engagement are a huge part of accommodating learning disability and inclusive classrooms. We encourage children with learning difficulties to build social and emotional skills with dedicated learning programs and teach them the tools to create and sustain respectful relationships. Non-verbal students are provided with their own communication device as part of our LAMP program, and each classroom has visual supports.

At Marnebek we have access to Allied Health available within the school, allowing students to access Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Psychologist, Social Workers and a School Nurse on campus, ensuring they always have the best opportunity to develop and learn. 

When students are at the tail end of their schooling journey, our Year 12 Pathways Program offers students 60+ providers for careers pathways, including Apprenticeship & Traineeship Employment Partners (ATEP).

If you would like to learn more about the education facilities and accommodations at Marnebek, please contact us here.


Learning difficulties in secondary schooling