Clean Up Australia Day

 This year, Marnebek registered and participated in Australia’s Clean Up Australia Event on Friday 11th March 2022.

All classes were provided with gloves and a recyclable bag to make one of the biggest contributions they can, to make sure their playgrounds and classroom environments are kept in the best, working order.

Students were also provided with hard copy activities, (printable) and a list of songs to play to their students on the day.

Students learnt some very important life skills including:

  • Sorting Rubbish into Waste, Recycle and Compost Bins,

  • Making a Pledge - to clean up their environment and include ways they will keep your environment clean every day. Include reasons for the importance of a clean environment.

  • How to care for the playground, school and classroom environment – including learning to wipe down the classroom tables and help make their classrooms clean, picking up rubbish and re-setting the learning environment to optimise learning!

Even though we celebrated this event on the one day, we recognise this as a whole school commitment every single day of the school year and will continue to look after our school environment and we hope all students will continue to look after the playgrounds and classrooms into the future!


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