STEM & Science

Science at Marnebek

At Marnebek School, we provide students with a diverse range of ways to deliver the Science Curriculum. The classroom teacher delivers a STEM program which is integrated through our Inquiry topics and cross curriculum subjects. Teachers provide our students with opportunities to learn about how scientific concepts help them develop and learn about the world around them through a multi-disciplinary approach.

Digital Technologies at Marnebek

The Digital Technologies curriculum provides students with opportunities to use Digital Technologies to enhance and engage in their learning. Practical applications of technologies such as Wushka, Seesaw, Mathletics, Sunshine Online and Literacy Planet allows students to develop dexterity and coordination whilst offering them a broad range of learning experiences which they can apply to home, life and the wider community. Cyber safety practices are taught as part of the Curriculum, educating students in the safe and expected behaviours regardless of their physical location.

At Marnebek School the students have access to 1:1 iPads as well as a laptop fleet. New software and applications are regularly purchased to allow students to access new and innovative programs whilst catering to their individual needs. Students engage in programs using Interactive Whiteboards and assistive technology where required to assist them with communication. Students also use the Seesaw application to upload and update their achievements on a daily basis, which provides parents with an insight to their classroom activities and accomplishments at Marnebek School.